Group of companies Terra Siberika – is a modern Russian business-structure. The plants of group of companies perform a complete production cycle from forest harvesting to end products release.
• Our history begins in 2004. At that time a group of businessmen and experienced specialists opened logging operation.
• In 2005 group of companies Terra Siberika makes the first success. The success results in winning at auction sales and obtaining long-term tenancy of wood material base.
• In 2006 Terra Siberika increases forest harvesting volumes. The question of business extension arises. Group of companies starts to invest in extension of harvesting technique fleet.
• In 2007 the company experiences noticeable financial success. This allows devoting significant funds to purchasing of private lumbering factory and modification of equipment considering international standards.
• In 2009 group of companies Terra Siberika takes a step that defines the perspectives of not only our work, but the branch in general – advanced processing shop was created. Moreover, there is a constant update of harvesting and production bases.
• The year of 2010 becomes a really remarkable one for Terra Siberika. The company switches to complete product full-cycle production. Besides, at this moment wood material base that amounts 30 000 hectares is immediately increased twice as well as harvesting base. At the same time Terra Siberika offers the consumer its own well-functioning logistic system.
• In 2015 the company purchases the neighboring factory and thus doubles the production output volume.
Group of companies Terra Siberika does not make economy on investments for innovations and development. Due to that Terra Siberika has regular increment of new customers at local and international markets year by year.